2023 "En Primeur" - Exclusive Collection

2023 "En Primeur" - Exclusive Collection

2023 "En Primeur" - Exclusive Collection

The revolutionary 2023 En Primeur Exclusive Collection, where exquisite wine meets cutting-edge digital technology. Utilizing the Ethereum blockchain, this distinctive digital collectible grants unparalleled access to primeur wine sales, guaranteeing improved liquidity, traceability, and utility via asset tokenization, thus redefining the collectible wine trading landscape.

2023 "En Primeur" - Exclusive Collection: Mint Public Sale

2023 "En Primeur" - Exclusive Collection: Mint Public Sale

05 Jun 2024

The date for the Mint Public Sale event by 2023 "En Primeur" - Exclusive Collection is June 5, 2024. Mint price for each NFT will be None None. 2023 "En Primeur" - Exclusive Collection is on Ethereum blockchain. The number of the 2023 "En Primeur" - Exclusive Collection Twitter followers and Discord members is 30025 and 15416.

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