BF#01 Pop Art Butterfly

BF#01 Pop Art Butterfly

Total Supply:128
BF#01 Pop Art Butterfly

BF#01 Pop Art Butterfly, the inaugural piece from the Butterfly series, is a randomly minted creation that brings a touch of fun and simplicity to any space with its vibrant pop art style. Designed to soothe, this artwork encourages viewers to follow the calming rhythm of the butterfly, offering a delightful way to relax and unwind. A limited edition, only 128 of these 2D generative artworks will be available for minting on the Tezos chain.

BF#01 Pop Art Butterfly: Mint Public Sale

BF#01 Pop Art Butterfly: Mint Public Sale

25 Jun 2024

The date for the Mint Public Sale event by BF#01 Pop Art Butterfly is June 25, 2024. Mint price for each NFT will be 6.0 XTZ (Tezos). BF#01 Pop Art Butterfly is on Tezos blockchain. The number of the BF#01 Pop Art Butterfly Twitter followers and Discord members is 0 and 0.

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