Bookshelf Machine by Boyane

Bookshelf Machine by Boyane

Total Supply:200
Bookshelf Machine by Boyane

A bookshelf transcends storage, becoming a shrine to ideas and adventures. Inspired by Chaekgeori, the traditional Korean folk painting of a scholar’s bookshelf, Parisian graffiti artist Boyane Zelechowski and children’s furniture designer Layoung Kang have created the Bookshelf Machine. This video work transforms symbolic Korean objects into a moving scene that captures children’s playful imagination, blending tradition and innovation. A limited edition of 200 pieces of 3D animated digital artworks will be available for minting on the Ethereum chain.

Bookshelf Machine by Boyane: Mint Public Sale

Bookshelf Machine by Boyane: Mint Public Sale

02 Aug 2024

The date for the Mint Public Sale event by Bookshelf Machine by Boyane is August 2, 2024, at 3:00 PM. Mint price for each NFT will be 0.0099 ETH (Ethereum). Bookshelf Machine by Boyane is on Ethereum blockchain. The number of the Bookshelf Machine by Boyane Twitter followers and Discord members is 2688 and 3207.

Bookshelf Machine by Boyane: Mint Presale

Bookshelf Machine by Boyane: Mint Presale

01 Aug 2024 - 02 Aug 2024

The date for the Mint Presale event by Bookshelf Machine by Boyane is August 1, 2024, at 3:00 PM. Mint price for each NFT will be 0.00693 ETH (Ethereum). Bookshelf Machine by Boyane is on Ethereum blockchain. The number of the Bookshelf Machine by Boyane Twitter followers and Discord members is 2688 and 3207.

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