ChainColosseumPhoenix Premium Pass

ChainColosseumPhoenix Premium Pass

Total Supply:1111
ChainColosseumPhoenix Premium Pass

The ChainColosseumPhoenix Premium Pass stands out as an Ethereum Blockchain NFT, limited to 1111 editions and available for free minting. It provides access to Chain Colosseum Phoenix, enabling a Play-to-Earn experience within the MCH-Verse on Oasys Chain. Participants can acquire Hero-NFTs, battle monsters, and earn $CCP tokens through victories, enriching the interactive blockchain gaming environment.

ChainColosseumPhoenix Premium Pass: Freemint

ChainColosseumPhoenix Premium Pass: Freemint

25 Jun 2024

The date for the Freemint event by ChainColosseumPhoenix Premium Pass is June 25, 2024. Mint price for each NFT will be 0.0 None. ChainColosseumPhoenix Premium Pass is on Ethereum blockchain. The number of the ChainColosseumPhoenix Premium Pass Twitter followers and Discord members is 126037 and 543.

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