Decimated: Death Valley

Decimated: Death Valley

Total Supply:5000
Decimated: Death Valley

Decimated: Death Valley presents a distinctive 3D digital collectible exclusive to the Solana blockchain, with only 5,000 editions available. It introduces an immersive post-apocalyptic online survival RPG driven by a blockchain economy. Created using Unreal Engine 5 by experienced game developers, it integrates advanced Web3 functionalities such as marketplace trading, staking, leaderboards, and airdrop mechanics, establishing a dynamic and comprehensive gaming environment.

Decimated: Death Valley: Live Stream

Decimated: Death Valley: Live Stream

16 Jul 2024

The date for the Live Stream event by Decimated: Death Valley is July 16, 2024, at 11:00 AM. Decimated: Death Valley is on Solana blockchain. The number of the Decimated: Death Valley Twitter followers and Discord members is 68069 and 30372.

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