Desert Cones

Desert Cones

Total Supply:33
Desert Cones

In another chapter of the Idehan Ubari crossing, giant dunes stretch endlessly, with cone formations emerging like mirages. Approaching them, the cones loom larger, some three or four times the height of a person. Once a water basin, the area now features exposed, rotting roots and mounds formed by erosion. Only 33 2D photographic prints will be available for minting on the BTC chain.

Desert Cones: Mint Public Sale

Desert Cones: Mint Public Sale

24 Jun 2024

The date for the Mint Public Sale event by Desert Cones is June 24, 2024, at 1:33 PM. Mint price for each NFT will be 222000.0 SATS (SATS (Ordinals)). Desert Cones is on Bitcoin blockchain. The number of the Desert Cones Twitter followers and Discord members is 27184 and 0.

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