Kaleidoscope Garden

Kaleidoscope Garden

Total Supply:50
Kaleidoscope Garden

Kaleidoscope Garden is a unique 2D digital collectible on the Bitcoin blockchain, limited to 50 editions. Created by decentralized artist Smiley Bits of POGO Studios, this artwork features vibrant colors and organic, imperfect scribbled lines. The design forms a digitally symmetrical pattern, evoking the experience of viewing a garden through a kaleidoscope.

Kaleidoscope Garden: Mint Presale

Kaleidoscope Garden: Mint Presale

17 Jul 2024

The date for the Mint Presale event by Kaleidoscope Garden is July 17, 2024. Mint price for each NFT will be 20000.0 BTC (Bitcoin). Kaleidoscope Garden is on Bitcoin blockchain. The number of the Kaleidoscope Garden Twitter followers and Discord members is 5233 and 15.

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