Lost Spaces

Lost Spaces

Total Supply:123
Lost Spaces

I envision a world where colors fade, revealing timelessness and silence. This artwork finds meaning in emptiness, symbolizing a mental cleanse and primal simplicity. Lost Spaces explores the beauty in absence and imperfection, fostering creativity and reflection. Each element speaks from its void, highlighting inherent beauty and meaning. Only 123 pieces will be available for minting on the Tezos chain.

Lost Spaces: Mint Public Sale

Lost Spaces: Mint Public Sale

29 Jun 2024

The date for the Mint Public Sale event by Lost Spaces is June 29, 2024, at 5:00 PM. Mint price for each NFT will be 1.0 XTZ (Tezos). Lost Spaces is on Tezos blockchain. The number of the Lost Spaces Twitter followers and Discord members is 1828 and 0.

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