Nauxia - The Vaydons

Nauxia - The Vaydons

Total Supply:4444
Nauxia - The Vaydons

Nauxia is a distinctive 2D digital PFP art collectible on the Bitcoin Blockchain. Set in a futuristic adventure saga, this series introduces the 4444 Vaydons as the inaugural collectibles within the fictional world of Nauxia, blending intricate storytelling with compelling visual design.

Nauxia - The Vaydons: Mint Public Sale

Nauxia - The Vaydons: Mint Public Sale

26 Jun 2024

The date for the Mint Public Sale event by Nauxia - The Vaydons is June 26, 2024, at 5:00 PM. Mint price for each NFT will be 0.0011 BTC (Bitcoin). Nauxia - The Vaydons is on Bitcoin blockchain. The number of the Nauxia - The Vaydons Twitter followers and Discord members is 16918 and 10605.

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