OOKAMI is based

OOKAMI is based

OOKAMI is based

OOKAMI is based presents a distinctive 2D digital PFP collectible on the Base Blockchain, showcasing anime-inspired art. This open-edition artwork serves as a gateway to accessing $OOKAMI, reflecting creativity and digital advancement by artist Gharliera. It enriches collectors' NFT collections with a unique and visually captivating addition, merging artistic flair with technological sophistication.

OOKAMI is based: Mint Public Sale

OOKAMI is based: Mint Public Sale

01 Jul 2024 - 03 Jul 2024

The date for the Mint Public Sale event by OOKAMI is based is July 1, 2024. Mint price for each NFT will be 0.0019 ETH (Ethereum). OOKAMI is based is on Base blockchain. The number of the OOKAMI is based Twitter followers and Discord members is 95686 and 24839.

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