Pacific Rim Legacy NFT Collection

Pacific Rim Legacy NFT Collection

Total Supply:5000
Pacific Rim Legacy NFT Collection

exclusively available on the Ethereum blockchain. The digital collectible Pacific Rim Legacy NFT Collection has a unique set of 5,000 pieces, presenting 13 original 3D animated characters from the Pacific Rim movies Jaegers and Kaiju. This exceptional collection provides holders with exclusive access, utilities, and benefits.

Pacific Rim Legacy NFT Collection: Freemint

Pacific Rim Legacy NFT Collection: Freemint

23 Dec 2022

The date for the Freemint event by Pacific Rim Legacy NFT Collection is December 23, 2022. Mint price for each NFT will be None None. Pacific Rim Legacy NFT Collection is on Ethereum blockchain. The number of the Pacific Rim Legacy NFT Collection Twitter followers and Discord members is 0 and 0.

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