Perception Prism

Perception Prism

Total Supply:100
Perception Prism

Perception Prism delves into the interplay of shapes and colors, utilizing fundamental elements such as triangles and circles meticulously arranged on a grid. Smooth gradients enhance the depth and contrast, reminiscent of a prism splitting light into a spectrum of colors. Each shape and hue contributes to a sophisticated pattern that challenges conventional perception, blending simplicity with complexity to highlight beauty through contrast. This exclusive series will feature only 100 minted pieces on the Tezos blockchain.

Perception Prism: Mint Public Sale

Perception Prism: Mint Public Sale

20 Jun 2024

The date for the Mint Public Sale event by Perception Prism is June 20, 2024, at 5:00 PM. Mint price for each NFT will be 20.0 XTZ (Tezos). Perception Prism is on Tezos blockchain. The number of the Perception Prism Twitter followers and Discord members is 1153 and 0.

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