PixelSaurus Blast

PixelSaurus Blast

Total Supply:3000
PixelSaurus Blast

PixelSaurus proudly introduces PixelSaurus Blast, a curated collection of 3,000 2D pixelated PFP designs inspired by the Claw (Velociraptor) species. This series includes five distinct rarity levels, diverse traits, and collectible items. Additionally, holders can accumulate Blast Points and Blast Gold by enhancing their collections on Blastr.

PixelSaurus Blast: Mint Public Sale

PixelSaurus Blast: Mint Public Sale

05 Jun 2024

The date for the Mint Public Sale event by PixelSaurus Blast is June 5, 2024. Mint price for each NFT will be 0.01 ETH (Ethereum). PixelSaurus Blast is on Blast blockchain. The number of the PixelSaurus Blast Twitter followers and Discord members is 10685 and 994.

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