Portal Beasts

Portal Beasts

Total Supply:3755
Portal Beasts

Portal Beasts mark an exciting new venture for Flux Inc. (TTCC) into the realms of comic books, collectibles, and tangible art. These characters, designed in a distinctive graphic novel art style, serve as the antagonists to our chimpanzee heroes. A collection of 3,755 two-dimensional profile picture beasts will be available for minting on the Solana blockchain, offering enthusiasts a unique blend of art and storytelling.

Portal Beasts: Mint Public Sale

Portal Beasts: Mint Public Sale

10 Aug 2024

The date for the Mint Public Sale event by Portal Beasts is August 10, 2024, at 2:00 PM. Mint price for each NFT will be 0.12 SOL (Solana). Portal Beasts is on Solana blockchain. The number of the Portal Beasts Twitter followers and Discord members is 2839 and 1453.

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