Road Hounds Collection

Road Hounds Collection

Total Supply:5000
Road Hounds Collection

Attention, Rock 'n Roll Rebels! We beckon you to an extraordinary realm where a mere membership card unlocks the doors to a mesmerizing metaverse club. This isn't just any ticket—it's a powerful emblem that allows rockers from all genres to proudly bare their fangs. Prepare to witness the rise of new rock talent and be part of a global movement of music aficionados poised to conquer the world with sheer passion. Envision yourself as the enigmatic soul who bestowed upon Ozzy a glass of exquisite Italian Chianti in 1982, playing a crucial role in his epic bat-saga. Our exclusive collection boasts an awe-inspiring assembly of 5,000 distinct hounds, featuring 5 prestigious Golden Hounds, 1,040 exquisite Premium Hounds, and 3,955 captivating Hounds.

Road Hounds Collection: Mint Public Sale

Road Hounds Collection: Mint Public Sale

08 Jun 2023 - 15 Jun 2023

The date for the Mint Public Sale event by Road Hounds Collection is June 8, 2023. Mint price for each NFT will be 190.0 USD (United States dollar). Road Hounds Collection is on Ethereum blockchain. The number of the Road Hounds Collection Twitter followers and Discord members is 0 and 0.

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