Stamp from Barra

Stamp from Barra

Total Supply:100
Stamp from Barra

Stamp from Barra is a limited series of 100 unique 2D digital collectibles on the Tezos blockchain. Each piece represents a panorama crafted from intentionally chaotic and unrefined code. This collection reflects an artistic exploration of disorder, transforming a dirty canvas into a distinctive digital artwork, showcasing unconventional creativity.

Stamp from Barra: Mint Public Sale

Stamp from Barra: Mint Public Sale

15 Aug 2024

The date for the Mint Public Sale event by Stamp from Barra is August 15, 2024, at 11:00 AM. Mint price for each NFT will be 1.0 XTZ (Tezos). Stamp from Barra is on Tezos blockchain. The number of the Stamp from Barra Twitter followers and Discord members is 992 and 0.

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