Sweet Puppy Squad

Sweet Puppy Squad

Total Supply:350
Sweet Puppy Squad

Sweet Puppy Squad introduces a delightful NFT collection showcasing charming cartoon-style puppies. Immerse yourself in a playful world with these endearing canine characters! Limited to just 350 pieces, these 2D PFPs will be exclusively available for minting on the Cardano blockchain.

Sweet Puppy Squad: Mint Public Sale

Sweet Puppy Squad: Mint Public Sale

08 Jul 2024

The date for the Mint Public Sale event by Sweet Puppy Squad is July 8, 2024. Mint price for each NFT will be 12.0 ADA (Cardano). Sweet Puppy Squad is on Cardano blockchain. The number of the Sweet Puppy Squad Twitter followers and Discord members is 886 and 0.

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