Travelers of Egret Bridge

Travelers of Egret Bridge

Total Supply:211
Travelers of Egret Bridge

Egret Bridge is a bustling town where travelers meet, sailors unload goods, and pilgrims rest. Travelers of Egret Bridge is the latest collection from The Longclaw Teahouse, featuring 211 2D packs on the Cronos chain. Each pack contains unique Traveler characters, including 8 named characters and 3 special Mysterious Traveler prizes.

Travelers of Egret Bridge: Mint Public Sale

Travelers of Egret Bridge: Mint Public Sale

03 Jun 2024

The date for the Mint Public Sale event by Travelers of Egret Bridge is June 3, 2024. Mint price for each NFT will be None None. Travelers of Egret Bridge is on Cronos Chain blockchain. The number of the Travelers of Egret Bridge Twitter followers and Discord members is 1245 and 48.

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