Logo of DeLabs



DeLabs is a collective of creative individuals and friends who are located in Los Angeles, California. Their aim is to produce unique and pioneering products that intersect the fields of design, art, and Web3. Occasionally, their work achieves widespread popularity and gains spotlight on the internet.

NFT Collections


Y00ts is project that produces 15,000 NFTs generative artworks, serving as a declaration of affection to the Web3 community. The project is crafted to be both aesthetically pleasing and functional, serving as an inspiration for builders and creators who seek to innovate and push boundaries. Joining the y00ts community can help you unlock a wealth of opportunities and connect with like-minded individuals.



DeGods is a community of creators, innovators, athletes, and entrepreneurs united by their passion for digital art. With a global reach, this collective brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds to explore, experiment, and push the boundaries of what's possible in the world of digital art.

BTC DeGods

BTC DeGods

More than a year ago, a significant event unfolded as 535 DeGods were deliberately burned, sparking speculations about their eventual return. Now, these iconic DeGods are forever immortalized on Bitcoin, the very blockchain where their journey began, residing together on a single historic block - Block 776408.

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